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Government Of Assam Mines & Minerals Assam Hydrocarbon & Energy Company Ltd

Functions and Objectives


  • To carry on the business of producing of hydrocarbons.
  • Conservation of Energy by distribution of energy efficient gadgets throughout the State and generating awareness in Public.
  • To generate, harness, develop, purchase, accumulate, distribute and supply electricity by setting up hydro and thermal power plants using liquids gaseous or solid fuels like water, gas, air, naptha, coal, diesel oil and other petroleum products or through renewal energy sources such as solar windmill or through any other means and to supply such power either directly or through transmission lines either owned or hired.
  • To carry out the business including research and development for generation, distribution and marketing of other sources of energy, including but not limited to solar, nuclear, wind renewable & non-conventional, coal gasification, bio diesel, ethanol, hydrogen and other bio-technical sources, on a commercial basis.


As a Consortium Partner along with Oil India Limited (OIL) & Numaligarh Refinery Limited (NRL) as partners in the AA-ONHP-2017/20 (Namrup Borhat) Block, AHECL performs the following functions as one of the Management Committee Members: 

1. Review and approval of Discovery Notification; In-place HC Volume & Recoverable Reserves, Annual Program Quantity, Demarcation of Development Area, Abandonment & site restoration plan, Audited statement of petroleum Production, computation of Revenue Shares, Grant of Extention of Exploration Phase; Timeline for Work Program; Appraisal drilling; Actual production level, Reservoir performance for proper & optimal exploitation of reserves, Timeline for Implimentation of FDP. 

As a Consortium Partner Oil India Limited (OIL), Numaligarh Refinery Limited (NRL) as partners in the AA-ONHP-2017/20 (Namrup Borhat) Block, AHECL performs the following funtions as one of the Operating Committee Members: 

2. Supervision and direction to Jt. Operations including establishment of policies governing various activities of the Jt. Operations; Review & approval of Annual Work Program & Budgets; Delineation of any Discovery; Appoint technical, financial, legal or other sub committees; Review & approval of Field Development and Production Operations, proposal of new Exploration locations.